October 23, 2012

Well hung.

I dropped off the work to the Stride Gallery last night and began hanging the work in the gallery today. It has been a strange journey to this point. I'm feeling remarkably vulnerable and a bit nervous about this opening. It feels strange, the work isn't exactly how I imagined it looking and it seems so much smaller now that is is out of my studio and in a big empty gallery.
Here my buddy Ben is putting the final painting into the studio freight elevator to bring to the loading dock.
It was a crisp and snowy Monday at around dinner time, the pieces are all lined up outside the loading dock.
We loaded them into the trailer. Each piece has a little foam separator between them and then the whole lot was strapped to the sidewall so they wouldn't shift in transport.
Went to Stride, measured each piece and spent some time figuring out where the work would go. This is the hard part of the job I didn't anticipate taking so much out of me, but in the end I'm happy. Larissa Tigglers is so extremely helpful in hanging the work - a real superstar! I greatly appreciate her experience and knowledge. We ended up hanging the works a little higher as per my desire at 60" from the ground to the painting center, that way you have to look up a bit at the deities.
More to come, Come out Friday!

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