February 17, 2013

Horsing around

To my amazement I am renewed with vigor with my project and super stoked about the gear and Dragonframe capture program. I spent some time re-arranging my set up and took a bunch of stuff out of the space and to the studio for painting.
Here is as empty as it will be for the month this long week-end as I spruce up items in the studio to be returned tomorrow and revamped for the CAOS media Release on Tuesday morning.
I was horsing around, got a few hundred out of 666 frames shot of the horse walking. The space gets really hot with the lights and I shut it down for the evening taking the majority of the gear with me to set up in the studio to work on the effects shots this long week-end.
I snuck in a quick visit to the Telus Spark science centre for some inspiration. First to visit my pal Ola as she hosted a felting creature event in the exhibition hall, so cool. The show is all about animatronic effects for Hollywood. Fitting/good timing for my project. There was an original 1930's Willis H. O'Brein stop motion armature on display. DINORIFIC!

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