April 6, 2017

Still life with banana

Why did the monkey like the banana? 
Because it had appeal! 

Your artwork should have appeal too!

 I think the art of the still life is appealing yet greatly under appreciated. Just gathering and composing objects in very much an act of art. Selecting and arranging items, then creating a juxtaposition that is pleasing and interesting tells a lot about the creator. There is also a lot of contrasts that can occur allowing for many different ways for the artist to explore mark making.

In this still life class I worked my demo piece alongside the students after a brief overview of our goals. One student brought a fantastic kettle, and of course his daily dose of vitamin K, a banana. 
Here is the little set up from where I was sitting on the drawing horse. Below are some of the steps as well as some of the students pieces.

If you think still life drawings are as cool as I do and would like to try your hand and strengthen your eye then come on down to Atelier Artista (http://atelierartista.com) Wednesday morning and learn the ins and outs of this fulfilling subject.

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