February 7, 2016

still life with proportions

Proper proportions.

Constructing a proper foundation as a way to get a drawing right. The cons of sight size method are with set up and mobility. It is difficult to learn at first but very empowering when developing your "artistic eye" I prefer to use a comparative drawing system of measurement so that you can refer to any items at any distance and get a proper relationship and placement. Taking one solid measurement and comparing it with all the items in relationships between the objects. Then constructing a proportional plan and using negative spaces to help figure out how to draw a 3d set up on a 2d surface.
Use a strong vertical or horizontal as a base line as well as to draw items that are symmetrical on both sides. One the relationships are established and you have a good plan you can begin drawing the more compicated shapes you see and refine further from there.
There are many tips and tricks along the way, but it is also a good thing to actually do, you can only learn to draw better by drawing more.
When taking your measurement, you must keep consistent. Close the same eye, stand the same distance away, keep your arm outstretched and observe long enough to burn the info you need into your mind, then transfer it to your drawing.
Decide if things are at an angle off of the vertical or horizontal, and by how much. When things are going away from you in perspective, re you drawing them at the right angle. Are ellipses on the correct plane?
Are you looking down at an object, if so what spacial considerations should you be aware of?
Should you eat the banana first or wait until you have finished your drawing?
When the line work is done and all the shapes look correct, you can proceed in to the next step and begin working in light and shadows.

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