February 19, 2016

Figure drawing class Feb 18/2016

Hi all, I've been hiding away in my studio when I can and I'm not working one of 5 jobs or teaching. When it rains.... as they say. In the in-between time I've been working on something new in the studio which you may have seen in the background on my Episode 5 - Youtube channel video.

You can watch that here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwx8IOFGx3o

 I have my french Arches paper taped to a drawing board. I begin blocking in the dark values and background tone focusing on simplified shapes and trying my best not to get distracted and focused on favorite areas of interest until I have material down over the entire surface.
As I progress I leave some areas more sketchy, these areas are often like gems so I like to keep them for as long as I can.

Back to school.

I'm instructing a figure drawing course at the Alberta College of Art and Design one evening per week.  We are already on class three, but because there is a model in the room I am hesitant to take photographs out of respect for the model. I took these after the model left the room, when on break or at the end of class to give you an idea what the work looks like on class 3 when we focused on creating values on toned drawing paper.
It is awfully bright in the classroom but you need to see your paper when you are drawing. The best tool the artist has is to squint to simplify the shapes and values.
I loaned a student one of my figure drawing reference books, this picture is to remind me who has what.
When the lights are turned back on the pieces do look quite different and you get a sense of the depth and breadth of the values in the pieces.
Some quick poses on the neutral concrete classroom floor.
The lights and darks by adding more material to the paper or by erasing out help to create the illusion of form on a 2D surface.

My favorite part of this drawing is the foot that just gives us a sense of detail of what is there. Our eye only focuses on one area at a time so this helps bring the attention back up to what the artist wants you to look at the head area.
The students discovered the push and pull of darks and lights in the final long pose of the session and the work turned out great.

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