November 19, 2010

Good News + 24 More drawings, this time from 2000

I just got confirmation that I have a Calgary Allied Arts Foundation St[art] 4Five Residency!

I applied to work full time in the studio on completion of works for my upcoming solo exhibition "Sacred Images" at the Untitled Arts Society in June 2011.
This will be in for a 3 month residency from April 1 - June 30, 2011.

I uploaded about 24 more drawings to my website today from a sketchbook I made back in 2000.

Here is just one example. The rest can be found HERE on my website- under the Portfolio/past > drawings >2000.

1 comment:

Fay_Moose_Art said...

Looked thrue your sketches :) Loved it :) got inspired , hope to have more time to do it myself :)