February 24, 2011

The aMAIZEing CORNhole

I did a CORNy drawing today....
I have been reading the Obnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. It is very insightful regarding the importance that corn has had on the growth of western civilization. It  examines how the industrial food complex is based almost entirely on corn and products derived from corn.  It is similar in some sense with the documentary Food Inc. if you haven't seen that, check it out. If so...... Read the book!

The Obnivore's Dilemma delves into big business agriculture and the historical use of corn as the tool against those who first cultivated in order to eradicate them from existence.  Corn is a high yielder. It produces far more 'product' than wheat with a  300:1 ratio for intensive seed production (it can flourish in the crappiest of soils) and it's ability to transform carbon from the air as no other grass can. We can't live without it, but then again corn cant live without us either. I find it interesting that corn's biology won't allow it to survive if not for it's symbiotic relationship with mankind.....and maybe a few corporate patents.

Digestive problems?

Corn reorganizes itself back into it's original form after you eat it - weird.

1 comment:

Hurtin Hippie said...

I also read that in North America corn is 90% of our diets, wether we know it or not, it forms the basis of almost all food (I may be wrong on the number, but if I am, it was higher)